Hablemos, escritoras.

Beyond Words: The Creative Voices of Writegirl

· Writegirl Publications · 2011 · 356 pp

Antología · Libro infantil y juvenil · Poesía

Literary Anthology. Young Adult. Fiction. Nonfiction. Poetry. Beyond Words is the ninth anthology from WriteGirl, winner of the Governor and First Lady's Medal for Service as 2010-2011 California Nonprofit of the Year. More than 150 teen girls and professional women writers share their diverse perspectives and stories about family, identity, friendship, love, music, loss and more in this unique collection. From poignant poetry to breakup lyrics to an essay on finding meaning within a shag carpet, Beyond Words unveils a broad range of confident and fresh voices. The book concludes with a full chapter of innovative writing activities and advice for aspiring writers at any level.