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Sub Verse Workshop

Giancarlo Huapaya · Dialogos / Lavender Ink · 2020 · 110 pp

Poesía · Traducción

Poetry. Latinx Studies. Translated by Ilana Dann Luna. SUB VERSE WORKSHOP is a collection of erotic, monstrous, political poems. The workshop is constructed like an Abecedary, in which each letter is a space where processes and performances are developed, involving bio-political relations, micro-economies, neo-mythologies, sexual technologies, hybrid esthetics, and elastic concepts that are activated through mechanisms of evolution and mutation.

The workshop invites us in, as individuals, as groups, our individual identities fusing with collectives, and then breaking off into ourselves again. Huapaya's style in this workshop is fragmentary and brutal, like shards of crystal reflecting, beautiful and bloodied. It is performative and neo-baroque, his poetic voice, the voice that leads this orgiastic sub verse workshop slips between engaging the audience and focusing in on the center of the self. Huapaya's poetry vibrates, crackles, and burns, moving across the visceral and cerebral planes, back and forth, always circling in to a core of human experience, a painful or beautiful truth about the nature of humanity.