Frances Riddle (Texas, Estados Unidos) traductora de literatura latinoamericana al inglés. Estudió en la Universidad de Buenos Aires Maestría en Traducción e Interpretación y en Louisiana State University Licenciatura en Literatura y Lengua Española. Ha traducido ficción y ensayo por autores como Isabel Allende, Claudia Piñeiro, Leila Guerriero, Sara Gallardo, Gabriela Cabezón Cámara, Carla Maliandi, Andrea Jeftanovic, María Fernanda Ampuero, Néstor Perlongher y Martín Felipe Castagnet. Su traducción de Elena Knows, por Claudia Piñeiro, estuvo nominado por el International Booker Prize en 2022 y su traducción de Theatre of War por Andrea Jeftanovic recibió el English PEN Award en 2020. Trabajó como editora en Dalkey Archive Press, Soho Press, y Hispabooks. Reside en Buenos Aires, Argentina.
A Simple Story (New Directions Publishing Corporation, 2017) · The German Room (Charco Press, 2018) · Slum Virgin (Charco Press, 2020) · Theater of War (Charco Press, 2020) · Not One Less: Mourning, Disobedience and Desire (Polity Press, 2020) · Elena Knows (Charco Press, 2021) · Cockfight (The Feminist Press , 2021) · Human Sacrifices (The Feminist Press , 2023) · Violeta (Ballantine, 2023) · A Little Luck (Charco Press, 2023) · The Wind Knows My Name (Ballantine, 2023) · I Am Rome (, 2024) · Time of the Flies (Charco Press, 2024) · January (Archipiélago Ediciones, )
Every year, at the height of summer, the remote Argentine village of Laborde holds the national malambo contest. Centuries old, this shatteringly demanding traditional gaucho dance is governed by the most rigid rules. And this festival has one stipulation that makes it unique: the malambo is danced for up to five minutes. That may seem like nothing, but consider the world record for the hundred-meter dash is 9.58 seconds. The dance contest is an obsession for countless young men, who sacrifice their bodies and money as they strive to become the champion, knowing that if they win—in ...
A powerful novel depicting the devastating psychological effects of war, political violence and domestic abuse. This is a story narrated from the point of view of a nine-year old girl, Tamara, who takes in the intricacies of the survival strategies of the world she inherits, marked by poverty, unspeakable trauma, trapped scenarios. Theatre of War takes us on a desolate journey into the reconstruction of memory – a universal question that here turns into a reflection on how giant historical events can affect the seemingly insignificant lives of nameless individuals. Tamara, ...
The slum, the government, the mafia, the Virgin Mary, corrupt police, prostitutes, transvestites, thieves, drug dealers, cumbia, excess: a pageant of diverse elements combine in the pages of this epic novel deemed to be a ‘revelation for contemporary literature’ and ‘pure lyrical dynamite’ (Andrés Neuman). Slum Virgin tells the story of Cleopatra, a transvestite who renounces prostitution after the Virgin Mary appears before her. Following the divine messages she starts receiving, Cleo becomes the leader of the shantytown she lives in, transforming it into a ...
On June 3, 2015, massive women's street demonstrations took place in many cities across Argentina to protest against femicide. Under the slogan Ni una menos, Not One (Woman) Less, thousands of women took to the streets to express their outrage at systematic violence against women, giving a face and a voice to women who might otherwise have died in silence.
Maria Pia López, a founding member and active participant in the Not One Less protest, offers in this book a first-hand account of the distinctive aesthetics, characteristics and lineages of this popular feminist movement, ...
As an author and scriptwriter for television, Claudia Piñeiro has won numerous national and international prizes, among them the renowned German LiBeraturpreis for Elena Knows and the prestigious Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Prize for Las grietas de Jara (A crack in the wall). She is best known for her crime novels which are bestsellers in Argentina, Latin American and round the world. Many of her novels have been adapted for the big screen. According to the prestigious newspaper La Nación, Claudia Piñeiro is the third most translated Argentinean author, after ...
Named one of the ten best fiction books of 2018 by the New York Times en Español, Cockfight is the debut work by Ecuadorian writer and journalist María Fernanda Ampuero. In lucid and compelling prose, Ampuero sheds light on the hidden aspects of the home: the grotesque realities of family, coming of age, religion, and class struggle. A family’s maids witness a horrible cycle of abuse, a girl is auctioned off by a gang of criminals, and two sisters find themselves at the mercy of their spiteful brother. With violence masquerading as love, characters ...
An undocumented woman answers a job posting only to find herself held hostage, a group of outcasts obsess over boys drowned while surfing, and an unhappy couple finds themselves trapped in a terrifying maze. With scalpel-like precision, Ampuero considers the price paid by those on the margins so that the elite might lounge comfortably, considering themselves safe in their homes. Simultaneously terrifying and exquisite, Human Sacrifices is "tropical gothic" at its finest--decay and oppression underlie our humid and hostile world, where working-class women and children are ...
Violeta comes into the world on a stormy day in 1920, the first girl in a family with five boisterous sons. From the start, her life is marked by extraordinary events, for the ripples of the Great War are still being felt, even as the Spanish flu arrives on the shores of her South American homeland almost at the moment of her birth. Through her father’s prescience, the family will come through that crisis unscathed, only to face a new one as the Great Depression transforms the genteel city life she has known. Her family loses everything and is forced to retreat to a wild and ...
20 years after a shocking accident, Mary Lohan returns to the Buenos Aires suburb she escaped in a fugue of guilt and isolation. She is not the same―not her name or voice, not even the color of her eyes. The neighborhood looks different too, but she’s still the same woman and it’s still the same place, and as the past erupts into view, they slowly collide. A Little Luck is the story about the debilitating weight of lies, the messy line between bravery and cowardice, and the tragedies, big and small, that can ripple out from a single decisive event. In a place she had ...
Vienna, 1938. Samuel Adler is five years old when his father disappears during Kristallnacht—the night his family loses everything. As her child’s safety becomes ever harder to guarantee, Samuel’s mother secures a spot for him on a Kindertransport train out of Nazi-occupied Austria to England. He boards alone, carrying nothing but a change of clothes and his violin.
Arizona, 2019. Eight decades later, Anita Díaz and her mother board another train, fleeing looming danger in El Salvador and seeking refuge in the United States. But their arrival coincides ...
So begins Santiago Posteguillo’s acclaimed masterpiece of historical fiction―a tale as epic as Caesar’s life itself. An irresistible page-turning novel of politics and betrayal, grand battles and impossible odds, shocking villainy and even greater acts of courage, I Am Rome brilliantly animates the moments that shaped this extraordinary young man’s fate—and in so doing, changed the course of history itself.
Fifteen years after killing her husband’s lover, Inés is fresh out of prison and trying to put together a new life. Her old friend Manca is out now too, and they’ve started a business – FFF, or Females, Fumigation, and Flies – dedicated to pest control and private investigation, by women, for women. But Señora Bonar, one of their clients, wants Inés to do more than kill bugs – she wants her expertise, and her criminal past, to help her kill her husband’s lover, too. Crimes against women versus crimes by women; culpability, ...
A radical feminist text, January was the first Argentine novel to represent rape from the survivor’s perspective and to explore the life-threatening risks pregnancy posed, in a society where abortion was both outlawed and taboo. In the sweltering Argentine pampas, all things bow to Nefer. Reeds nod when she digs her heels into her horse, unripe peaches snap and fall as she gallops past. Sickly-sweet air bends, churns in Nefer’s throat. Nefer measures the distance between her body and the table, and feels something filling her up, turning against her. Her belly swells. ...
Claudia Piñeiro es una de las escritoras más talentosas en cuanto al género policiaco, misterio, thrillers psicológicos. El tiempo de las moscas, es ejemplo de ese talento y hoy, gracias a la traducción que hace la editorial escocesa Charco Press, la traducción de una de las traductoras que ha trabajado con muchos de los escritores más emblemáticos de las letras, Frances Riddle, tenemos esta novela en inglés. Esta traducción, Time of the flies, lleva a un gran libro a más y más fronteras. Vengan a escuchar ...
En el mundo de la traducción el nombre Frances Riddle es un gran referente. Traductora de escritores como Isabel Allende, Leila Guerriero, Sara Gallardo, Gabriela Cabezón Cámara, María Fernanda Ampuero, Néstor Perlongher y más, ha ganado premios como el English PEN Award con el libro Theatre of War de Andrea Jeftanovic y ser nominada para el Interantinal Booker Prize 2020 con Elena Knows de Claudia Piñeiro. Nos cuenta sobre cómo el traductor siente igual que el escritor en el momento de transmitir la emoción de la escritura ...
El programa de marzo está dedicado a la poesía. Llegan voces de escritoras y traductoras de distintos países como Claudia Prado y Rebecca Gayle. Estrenamos una nueva sección llamada "Poesía" con Julia Santibañez que entrevista a la poeta Brenda Ríos. Nuestras críticas de LAM nos muestran un panorama actual. Recibimos a dos narradoras: una colombina, Lorena Salazar, autora de Una herida llena de peces y otra chilena, Teresita Giacamán. Y nos deleitamos con dos cápsula de "3 minutos" una con Claudia ...
Marzo llega cargado de poesía y literatura en nuestro programa. Este mes, damos la bienvenida a voces destacadas de escritoras y traductoras de distintos países, como Claudia Prado y Rebecca Gayle.
Estrenamos una nueva sección titulada "Poesía", conducida por Julia Santibáñez. En esta primera entrega, Julia entrevista a la talentosa poeta Brenda Ríos, quien nos hablará de su obra y proceso creativo.
Nuestras críticas de Literatura al rededor de la mesa: LAM nos ofrecerán un panorama actualizado sobre el estado de la ...